Persian/Farsi Expressions, Translated!

We have somewhere around… a gizillion expressions in persian that make little to no sense when translated to English. Most of them if not all of them sound hilarious when translated, so I thought I’d share the laughter! Here are a few I came up with so far. I’ll be adding onto it for sure though.

“Namak Nashnas”
Translation: You don’t recognize my salt.
Actual Meaning: You’re ungrateful.

“Zamin khordam o pedaram daroomad”
Translation: I ate the ground and my father came out.
Actual Meaning: I tripped and I got screwed.

”Royeh tokhmeh cheshmam mizaramet”
Translation: I put you in the seed of my eyes.
Actual Meaning: You’re very important to me.

”Khodet roh beh kocheh alichap nazan”
Translation: Don’t hit yourself into Ali’s left alley.
Actual Meaning: Don’t pretend you don’t know.

”Dozarim tazeh oftad”
Translation: My cent/penny just fell.
Actual Meaning: I just got it (understood it).

Translation: Daddy burned!
Actual Meaning: Something along the lines of… That no-gooder!!

”Moordeh Shooreto bebaran!”
Translation: Take away the person that washes your dead body!
Actual Meaning: Something along the lines of… god damn you!

”Gleemet ro as ab dar beear!”
Translation: Pull your rug out of the water.
Actual Meaning: Get yourself out of this mess.

”Kharesh as poel gozashteh!”
Translation: His/Her donkey passed over the bridge!
Actual Meaning: She got through it!

”Cheh khaaky bar saram bereezam?!”
Translation: What kind of dirt should I pour on my head?!
Actual Meaning: What the hell am I going to do?!

”Ey zahr-e-maar!”
Translation: Poison of snake!
Actual Meaning: Similar to, shut up!

”Khaak bar saret!”
Translation: Dirt on your head!
Actual Meaning: Damn you!

Translation: Disease!
Actual Meaning: Again… similar to, shut up!

Translation: Full face.
Actual Meaning: Self-absorbed.

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The Thrill of the Chill

As I’m sure many of you are already feeling it, chilly weather tends to bring back cuddly memories and the necessity to share it with a special someone. There’s just something about the rain, the shiny streets, the colouring leaves, and layering and snazzying it up with scarves and the knits that makes you want to call up that-guy/girl-you-used-to-date-that-either-didn’t-measure-up-at-the-time-or-things-didn’t-fall-through-with, and see if you could give it another shot! Com’on, don’t tell me you haven’t had one of those.

Well, I’m not too much of a fan of relationships myself and never have been to be honest–this doesn’t mean I’m the promiscuous type, the extreme opposite actually. One could argue that it’s a fear of commitment, but I’d like to think it’s a combination of things that do the overturning. However, I do welcome the idea of being able to share a warm cider with someone who you could snuggle up with! Sounds good doesn’t it? This reminds me of a genius sketch from In Living’ Colour. Roll to 0:53 to see it!

I hope you ended up watching the entire clip. In Living Colour was an absolutely hilarious show for those of you who haven’t gotten a chance to watch it. Jim Carrey was fab!

Anyway, let’s not get side-tracked. As I was saying, ’tis the season to be promiscuous!! 😀 I’m yanking your chain of course. No but seriously, I encourage people to find a special someone to spend the cold seasons with. I’ve also come up with a list of activities that would surely tempt you to go searchin’, if you haven’t already been tempted to do so by the cold and such!

1 – Walking in the rain and warm drinks – This might not sound like a good idea at first, but if you heed my suggestion and try it one late night with someone whose company you truly enjoy, I promise you will not be disappointed. One word of advice though, refrain from going out when it’s absolutely pouring out. I’d recommend the period right after the rain when it’s all nice and wet, or when there’s a slight shower. This will also give you a good reason to stop by a nice little coffee shop to get some good tea, and snuggle up a little.

 2 – Knitting – Knitting for someone other than you is SO rewarding! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. A uni-colour scarf would even do! What’s even better is seeing your special person wear it without your request. That’ll warm you up all right. **Don’t spend too much time knitting though.

3 – Hot springs – Making a day trip to a hot spring is a great idea to get a little closer. It’s the perfect way to warm up on a cold [rainy] day, very romantic too.

4 – Hiking – No one would ever say no to an invitation to go hiking for a day, even if it’s raining out! All you need is some rain gear. This is also your chance to have a picnic when you didn’t think it possible! You know, with the “awful” weather and all. The only downside to this idea is that you need to have proper hiking gear because of the season. This would include proper hiking boots and rain gear. Otherwise, you’re good to go! Also, one other thing that you absolutely NEED to have with you while on a hike during the cold season is a good attitude. Don’t let wetness of the journey to dampen your mood!

5 – Snowshoeing – Anyone can do it! Even if you’re a frail girl who’s afraid of breaking her thin little bones. Hopefully you live in an area with easy access to slopes and snow. Just take some hot chocolate with you and you’re good to go! (This would also include safety gears and what-not, but of course you knew that)

6 – Visiting haunted houses – This is the perfect month for this activity! I personally am a HUGE fan of being terrified out of my wits! I absolutely love the feeling. For those of you who feel the same way, or just want an excuse to hold on to your special someone, this is a great way to entertain yourself and the other. This is a MUST!!!! It’s October!

7 – Dinner theatre – Dinner and a movie at home? Boooooring! Why not spice it up a bit and make it a dinner theatre night? I bet there are tons of fun places you can go in your area, places just waiting to be discovered.

8 – Dinner and a movie – The next best thing! Many of us even prefer it. Why don’t you stay at home, cook up something nice, or even order in for the night, and enjoy a nice movie in the comforts of either one of your homes. The possibilities and choices of activities are endless! Don’t forget the cuddly blanket and hot chocolate for two – with a hint of baileys?

9 – And last but not least, ice skating – The most fun and appropriate activity of the season! I sincerely hope you have a rink available in your city, because it’s so hard not to enjoy it even if you suck! This is also an absolute must.

And that’s it as far as my list goes, for now. It lacks originality as I’m always sceptical about how far the other person would go, and whether they’d enjoy the same things. With that said however, don’t be afraid to try unusual things! Chances are they’ll appreciate your creativity and freshness, and would love to try it.

Next up: Things to do during the cold seasons, for yourself! I promise originality in this case.

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Thanksgiving #1

Ao’roight! So, my family had their very first OFFICIAL thanksgiving today, with a turkey and everything! It turned out to be an absolutely amazing dinner, srsly. I even have artsy pictures to prove it. Unfortunately I have yet to upload them onto my laptop.

I’m craving some turkey.

In celebration:

That’s how we do, in Iran.




Handicapped Turkey Dins

Handicapped Turkey Dins

We had to cut the legs and the wings so we could fit it in the oven. Oh, and I like my gravy super duper thick, so… as per my request the gravy was as thick as caramel!

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Embarrassing moment #245

I had an extremely mellow day today–work was too good. It started with me waking up super early in the morning hoping to catch the bus on time, and in effect get to work on time, for once. Unfortunately however, my sister ended up giving me a ride as she miraculously decided to drive to school. I say unfortunate, because I could have easily slept for a good hour or so more, only if I’d known I’d end up bumming a ride. Anyway, it all ended in good terms since I got a ride back home as well!

So far, pretty boring, right? Wait for it pal. After my shift ended I exited the bookstore and walked towards the parking lot, in hopes that my sister would already be waiting for me there, since I specified a time earlier this morning. I saw a green dodge neon, exactly the same as our car, parked outside the bookstore with a person sitting in the driver’s seat. So I though, hey! She did get here before me! Gosh, what a lovely sister I have! Now… usually, I have a tendency to make an ass out of myself when I see a family member waiting to meet up with me, whether they’re in a car or not, by making atrocious faces or quite embarrassing body postures coupled with the atrocious faces… Needless to say this time was no different. So today I felt like portraying an idiot zombie as I walked to the car, and as I got closer I began to realize that a MAN was sitting in the driver’s seat of “our” car, instead of my sister. My zombie shenanigans slowly wore off as I walked to the car and saw the look of absolute horror on this guy’s face as he held a cell phone to his ear. I made the sharpest turn I had ever made, and began to walk away from the car. I didn’t look back, but kindah wish I had.

You know, I do these kinds of things a lot, a whole lot, and it doesn’t seem to faze me a bit. At least I only save the embarrassment for myself and family, and spare my friends.

The other day, I was in the library watching some random clips on youtube, because… you know, I was bored out of my mind, when I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder. I turned around with my headphones on, and I heard the girl say that my headphone wasn’t plugged in properly. So I smiled, nodded like she had pointed the obvious and said “thanks!”. This was quite embarrassing as I was watching clips of people covering songs and shit. Bad covers. Dude. So I fiddled with the plug a little bit, and just assumed it was fixed, and continued on. After a couple of minutes I realized that perhaps I should take off my headphones to make sure that it was plugged properly, instead of just assuming it was. I took them off, and boy… The sound could surely be heard from a couple of rooms away. It was so fucking loud that I thought it was playing through my headphones! So. Loud. Oh. Lord. Jesus. The plug was messed. Up!! It was only then that I realized people were giving me the stink eye all. That. Time. Here I was thinking it was just a pigment of my imagination. Boy… My face probably turned to colours even the spectrum can’t handle. I was fine momentarily.


This type of stuff happens to me way too often to leave a mark.

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So hard for it, honey.

So! Here I am again after a number of grueling months of studying and stressting over… NOTHING. I’ll leave the complaining for another post, on another day however… yes I’ll spare you the angry outbursts… for now.

I had been unemployed for a little less than a year when I decided it was time I joined the work-force again, just a couple of months ago. So naturally I began to apply to a few places where I thought I would enjoy working at. The first place I applied to was a vet clinic, which ironically enough, I think I might have applied to a year before… and needless to say, had rejected me. I was extremely excited when I got a call back from the clinic to set up an interview within the next couple of days. Imagine that! During the interview I even brought up the embarrassing rejection which for reasons that escape me made my interviewer blush! I guess she was a little embarrassed for not getting back to me. This is the worst rejection of all, waiting for… nothing, essentially.

Even though I’ve enjoyed working at the clinic so far, and get along with the workers, the vets, and even the adorable house kitties, I decided to quit a couple of weeks ago. Why? Well the pay is shit. I was promised 13 dollars an hour before I was hired, only to find that instead I get paid a runty total of 12 dollars an hour. 13 I could do with, 12… not so much. So! That turned me off right off the bat. Instead of confronting the manager right away, which is the right thing to do I’m sure, I started scheming ways I could quit the job already. But that was not the major reason why I decided to quit, please, I’m not that shallow. Most of it was due to the horrible things that happen in the clinic… like putting old animals down! Things a smart girl would expect from a Vet Clinic!? Yes!  All right… well I’m glad I had the opportunity to actually work along-side a vet, because now I know that the career wouldn’t suit me, at all.

This got me thinking about all of my other employments so far. I’ve had the priviledge of being in the work-force from the sweet age of 14, and since then I’ve worked at 12 different places!! I’ll try to list them all in order:

1. McDonald’s: Ridiculous amounts of fun – 2 years!!!

2. Orange Julius/Dairy Queen: free smooooooothies

3. Shoe Wearhouse: psycho boss

4. Vanarts: cool experience

5. Capilano Golf and Country Club: good money at the time

6. Futureshop: crazy discounts

7. Consumer Research Centre: boooooooooooring

8. East Passion: good money

9. Teatone: SUPER chill

10. UBC Bookstore: best

11. Kitsilano Animal Clinic: furry good 

And that’s all I can remember for now. I’ve a feeling like I might be missing a couple though! The only long-term employments out of the ones listed were McDonald’s and the Golf Club.

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The nicest shade of green

So… recently I heard about GOOP – through the grapevine – which happens to be a hybrid version of a blog/newsletter/diary created by Gwyneth Paltrow. I decided to check it out today and I was surprised by how much time “she” must spends on the site (by “she” I meant her minions). I mean, you can totally tell that it’s taken massive amounts of planning, resources and time putting together. How could someone so out and about, so “busy”, so… MARRIED WITH CHILDREN have time to talk about her life, favourites, and her fellow movie stars on a daily basis? It’s ludicrous. And no, I’m not saying a married woman shouldn’t be allowed to blog, good lord no. But I do find it a bit odd how she insists that she’s got the perfect household under her hands, yet it seems rather impossible that she’d have enough time to spend with her kids… Moses and Apple I think? Her children will grow up to be deliciously religious. Or religiously delicious. Either or.

Ok, I might be a little jealous and rather mean in trying to find a kink somewhere, but can you blame me? Perhaps I would have liked her better if she had made the site lean towards the average person. Take a look at the places, clothes, and gift ideas she recommends from time to time. One would have to be just as rich in order to be able to afford such a lifestyle! And last time I checked us average people outnumbered the rich by millions. Kind of a hard blow to some of her die hard fans actually. I’m glad I’m not one.

Apparently she’s put up some of her clothes for auction on ebay. The proceedings go towards a few charities, and with that said I’ll have to admit that the site isn’t entirely bad. I wanted to sell a few things on ebay… but I’d planned to keep the profit… sooooo, she wins this round.

Anyway, in a way I wish I had enough time on my hands to create a site like that where I’d be able to not only woo you with a sophisticated layout, but ideas and recommendations as well. My life may not be as luxurious as yours Gwyneth, but at least a lot more people will be able to relate goddamn it. Anyway, thanks for not being a complete jerk like some of the other riches.

P.S. I love how by clicking the “publish” button, I’ll be promoting her website unintentionally (in a not so loving way).

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Forever Young

My mum and I had a very intense conversation about celebrities today. We both agreed that current actors and actresses are infinitly inferior when compared to the old movie stars and we began to use specific examples to prove our points. So, in dedication to all the old hollywood stars I decided to list a few favourites of mine. They were truly superior in both looks and talent. Here’s to you, old hollywood!
Ready for the takin.

Ready for the takin'.

1. Humphrey Bogart – The Gentleman. Look at him. LOOK AT THAT FINE PIECE OF MEAT! MMM! Not only was he ridiculously talented, but he was also one of the finest looking men in hollywood back in the day (early 1900’s I believe). He’s the star of some of my all time favourite movies like Casablanca, African Queen, and Sahara. When you watch him do his thang on the big screen, you can’t help but get bewitched by his enigmatic and charismatic personality. The intensity with which he dives into his characters is amazing, and if you’re a girl you’re bound to cream your panties at least 3 times just listening to his smokey voice. He’s the guy responsible for the smoking fad, which is indeed a sex symbol. Well, as much as I hate to move on… I kinda have to. But before I do, ‘here’s looking at you, kid.’ Mmmm-mmmmh!


Let me fix you... babe

Let me fix you... babe

2. Paul Newman – The fragile tough guy. This strikingly handsome blue-eyed angel of a man was one of the most respected actors in his era. Some of his most famous roles depicted him as a damaged, vulnerable, lost little boy inside the body of a gorgeous man waiting for a woman who could mend his broken soul. Movies like The Long Hot Summer, Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, and Cool Hand Luke will leave you wanting more from the troubled man. His sex, his stare, his toooouch. I can fix you Paulie… LET ME FIX YOU!


I wish youd smoke me

I wish you'd smoke me

3. Marlon Brando – the badass. The most influential of actors, Marlon quite simply re-wrote the rules of performing enirely reshaping the world of hollywood and its ridiculous standards. This rebel of a man whose lustful and intense nature came oozing out of his roles quite openly expressed his hatred for the world of celebrities and the film industry, making it quite clear that he wasn’t in it for the fame or the money. Before his evolutionary role in The Godfather, Brando was best known for films such as A Streetcar Named Desire, Apocalypse Now (which I’ve yet to see! SCHOCKING!), and Julius Caesar. If you watch one of his movies (given you’re into the whole men thing) you’ll probably catch yourself tightly grasping the opening of your shirt  hoping to be ravished by the animal in him, on numerous occasions. I’d be your Stella any day of the week, baby.

Hubba hubba

Hubba hubba

4. Clark Gable – The southern heartthrob.  Best known for his unforgettable feature in the film Gone With the Wind, Clark Gable was definitely a force to be reckoned with. With his calm yet sultry attitude he has a way of captivating even the most cold-hearted of women. You just want him to hold you, carress your cheeks and tell you everything is going to be all right. Then maybe ravish you in bed. Yeah, that’d be nice too. You just know that he’d wear the pants in the relationship… and frankly my dear, I wouldn’t give a damn. I’d probably iron the pants for him too.

You know you want it

You know you want it

Dont lie!

Don't lie!



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A nip of Nippon

Why hello! So here’s what I’ve decided! I’ve decided to turn this blog into a memorabilia where I’ll exploit all my bitter sweet memories starting wiiiiiiith….


Yes that’s right. I, like millions of others, spent a considerable amount of time in front of the TV as a kid. Why? What good could it possibly have brought my life? Well… I’ll tell you.

I consider myself to be an extremely family-oriented person. I’m sorry, but under normal conditions I would  leave the best of friends to be with a family member in need. Now, you might be thinking ‘what the fuck are you trying to say man? That I wouldn’t?’ Well… no I’m not saying that, but I’m not the kind of person who spends a lot of time away from the family, you know? And I believe true happiness lies within your family and the relationship you have with them.

Now, how does this tie into what I was discussing before? TV? Well, I remember the shows I used to watch back when I was a wee lass. They were great. In fact, they were fantastic for children. Believe it or not, they stressed the importance of  family, respect for the elders, sensibility, kindness, and being lover rather than a fighter, a believer, an honest person… all the things parents have so much trouble teaching their children nowadays! These shows were specific to Eastern, Middle Eastern, and European countries (Iran in my case), originating from Japan, of course. They refrained from exploiting subjects such as fornication, technology, money, and violence and instead delivered a sense of self-respect, ethics, and even sustainability! Amazing really. Frankly I feel bad for those of us who did not have the privilege of bonding with these cartoons.

In my last post I slyly hinted at just how much respect I have for Hayao Miyazaki. Well, it was only a few years ago when I realized that he is also responsible for most of the childhood shows I used to love so much. He was one of the key animators/directors for Nippon Animation back in the early days of his career. A few years ago I would have given anything to be his humble wife.

Hayao Myiazaki

Hayao Myiazaki

With a father hard at work in at Miyazaki Airplanes – a company which produced pieces for fighter planes –  and a creative and unconventional thinker of a mother, he became an artist early in life and developed a premature fascination for aviation (perhaps this could explain why Antoine de Saint-Exupery was one of his favourite authors). Many of the movies produced by Studio Ghibli were written and directed by Myiazaki, and some were based on personal life experiences – a fine example would be My Neighbour Totoro. I’m starting to think that maybe Porco Rosso was a result of his childhood fascination as well.

Daddy Longlegs was probably my favourite show. I’m sure you’re already familiar with the story line, since it happens to be based on a very popular novel by Jean Webster (1912). Oh! One thing I failed to mention was that most of the shows I’ve been bragging about were adaptations of historical novels. Don’t worry, I’ll be talking about them in upcoming posts!

Judy Abbott!

Judy Abbott!

Judy! My favourite gal. All this reminiscing has left me hungry. Yes I’m talking about actual food not… theoretical food like watching DDL, though I would probably enjoy that more.

Here is a picture of ALL of the characters of Nippon Animation series. With enough concentration, I could probably name every character!

World Masterpiece Theatre

World Masterpiece Theatre

American cartoons dating back to the 80’s were mostly based on violence, even awesome shows like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Don’t get me wrong it was an absolutely amazing show and as a life-long fan I can truly say that its completely fit for kids – well, the original show is. And now, they have decided that it’s the decade for sex, drugs, and reality tv shows.

It’s rather terrifying just how quickly the society is lowering its standards. TV shows such as Gossip Girl – which I DO NOT watch but have seen a few minutes of – stamp the idea of underage sex on the forehead of kids with orgy scenes between three teenage girls. Or something.

I feel sorry for those born a few years after myself and for what they’ve had to endure so far. You may not realize it now but man you missed a good show. I wouldn’t change my early days for the world, and I mean it with every inch of my being. Also, I am so fucking glad to have been born in Iran.

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An ode to Antoine de Saint-Exupery

I believe the last time I posted anything was around Valentine’s Day, and I’m afraid I might have come off a little bitter about things. I think I was a little bitter, to be frank, but didn’t realize it.

I’m experiencing the last of my UBC days at the moment. Classes end in 3 days and I feel like I’ve been way too busy to enjoy the last year!! Hah! For the first time in the past 5 years I can truly and honestly say that school. came. first. It was an interesting year. I realized my real potential, and that I can do absolutely ANYTHING if I put my heart into it. It’s quite a feeling.

Anyway, I haven’t immersed myself in a good book in a very long time, so I decided to borrow Antoine De Saint-Exupery’s Wind, Sand and Stars from the library. It was long due! He’s one of my favourite authors, a genius really. The Little Prince is by far my favourite literature of all time.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Antoine de Saint-Exupery


He is one of the most fascinating human beings in my opinion. He lived the life I dreamed of living back when young with the exception of participation in live combat. I’d like to think that he survived his crash as no physical remains were found, just immaterial things. He looks like a sound man.

Anyway, about the book Terre des Hommes (1939), during my trip to Japan I had the privilege of visiting the Studio Ghibli Museum. Before I go any further, I just have to explain how amazing this museum was. As a true Ghibli fan, I can honestly say that it was above and beyond what I expected. I was completely moved by the fact that it was designed for kids and the kid in us as adults. Certain structures and gizmos brought tears to my eyes!! I experienced absolute satisfaction while in the building. Anyway, as part of the exhibition there were a few rooms that were replicates of Miyazaki’s actual studio. They had original artwork and paintings done by the man himself, posted everywhere! The signs explicitly said not to touch anything, but I couldn’t help but want to touch something that had touched his amazing hands (I stole a few gentle caresses of his artwork, they were fine I assure you). Then!! As I walked through the studio used during the creation of Porco Rosso, I came across a book resting on a stool (there were books, sketches, pencils and mediums, just… exactly what you would expect of an animator!). I took a closer look because the cover seemed familiar and right then and there I just KNEW Miyazaki was the cover artist! So, I looked around and waited for the opportune moment… and gypped it! I’M A THIEF!!!! I know, it was a terrible thing to do especially since in a way, I stole from fellow fans as well. But I couldn’t leave the building without it. I would have regretted it for the rest of my life.  You know why? Because it happened to be Terre des Hommes by Antoine de Saint Exupery. My favourite author, my favourite artist, all in one! Later, I found out that Antoine de Saint-Exupery is also Miyazaki’s favourite author! 🙂 This made me even happier just when I thought it wasn’t even possible. I should point out though, that the book is in Japanese and was published in 1955. Vintage!! Fuck, it’s perfect.

Unfortunately I wasn’t allowed to take any pictures while inside the building, however the Museum’s website has a pretty nifty picture of the dream inside.

Studio Ghibli Museum

Studio Ghibli Museum

The pictures surrounding the one of the door are the rooms I walked through!! And where I gypped the book from.. I think it’s time I posted a summary of my trip to Japan. The scrapbook is still in works, so why not do a short post about it just to refresh my memory!

I think I’ll end this post with a favourite personal picture of mine.





P.S. I just found out that there are a few watches designed in dedication to Antoine de Saint-Exupery. I want one… They’re actually very attractive.

Exupery Watch

Exupery Watch

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This past year taught me a shit-load of things…


1) Organization leads to many positive things, including sanitization. So keep organized and you’ll be fucking joyous, guaranteed. For most of my life I’ve been a pitifully messy person, mostly due to the fact that I’ve way too much shit lying around. Not just in my room. But everywhere. Not only is this misfortune traumatizing to my mother whom I love more than anything in existence, but it’s also a pain in the neck for myself to deal with… Marry Poppins, where the fuck are you, lady?

2) It took me around 22 years to realize that money IS a source of happiness. Wait, wait, hold on, I didn’t say the only source, but one of! Yes. And perhaps the easiest to acquire, if you get your shit together that is. I’ve been a witness to how destructive lack of money could be in a household, pal, and you have no idea. So, I’m going to apologize in advance if I stop listening or being zealous when you’re telling me a sob story about how your parents are screwing you over with your allowance or bills all of a sudden.  It’s not that I’m jealous (you have problems, I’ve got problems, everyone’s got problems) it just really really really bothers me when people take advantage of these things (your parents love you. It’s unconditional love, and whatever they do to you rest assured it is DEFINITELY for your own good… yes guys and girls, I hate to break it to you, but under normal conditions no one will EVER love you as much as your parents love you. Fact.) Point being: ‘Get rich or die tryin’.’ – 50 cent

3) Do not give away your trust so freely. Bad idea. I am an extremely sensitive person. I could go on and on about this trust issue, heaven only knows the brilliance of my epiphany… but I’ll spare you.

4) Life is scary, big, and astonishing. The biggest surprise of them all. I’m going to miss UBC… and being a student.

New Year’s Resolution:

1. Study more frequently and productively.

2. Be clean and organized. This is VERY important – Use your fucking calendar.

3. Read/write more.

4. Keep up with your extracurricular activities (playing the guitar, exercising, etc)

5. Grab the bull by the horns, or balls. Whichever is more accessible.


Happy New Year. You’re finally all grown up.

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