Tag Archives: Winter

The Thrill of the Chill

As I’m sure many of you are already feeling it, chilly weather tends to bring back cuddly memories and the necessity to share it with a special someone. There’s just something about the rain, the shiny streets, the colouring leaves, and layering and snazzying it up with scarves and the knits that makes you want to call up that-guy/girl-you-used-to-date-that-either-didn’t-measure-up-at-the-time-or-things-didn’t-fall-through-with, and see if you could give it another shot! Com’on, don’t tell me you haven’t had one of those.

Well, I’m not too much of a fan of relationships myself and never have been to be honest–this doesn’t mean I’m the promiscuous type, the extreme opposite actually. One could argue that it’s a fear of commitment, but I’d like to think it’s a combination of things that do the overturning. However, I do welcome the idea of being able to share a warm cider with someone who you could snuggle up with! Sounds good doesn’t it? This reminds me of a genius sketch from In Living’ Colour. Roll to 0:53 to see it!

I hope you ended up watching the entire clip. In Living Colour was an absolutely hilarious show for those of you who haven’t gotten a chance to watch it. Jim Carrey was fab!

Anyway, let’s not get side-tracked. As I was saying, ’tis the season to be promiscuous!! 😀 I’m yanking your chain of course. No but seriously, I encourage people to find a special someone to spend the cold seasons with. I’ve also come up with a list of activities that would surely tempt you to go searchin’, if you haven’t already been tempted to do so by the cold and such!

1 – Walking in the rain and warm drinks – This might not sound like a good idea at first, but if you heed my suggestion and try it one late night with someone whose company you truly enjoy, I promise you will not be disappointed. One word of advice though, refrain from going out when it’s absolutely pouring out. I’d recommend the period right after the rain when it’s all nice and wet, or when there’s a slight shower. This will also give you a good reason to stop by a nice little coffee shop to get some good tea, and snuggle up a little.

 2 – Knitting – Knitting for someone other than you is SO rewarding! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. A uni-colour scarf would even do! What’s even better is seeing your special person wear it without your request. That’ll warm you up all right. **Don’t spend too much time knitting though.

3 – Hot springs – Making a day trip to a hot spring is a great idea to get a little closer. It’s the perfect way to warm up on a cold [rainy] day, very romantic too.

4 – Hiking – No one would ever say no to an invitation to go hiking for a day, even if it’s raining out! All you need is some rain gear. This is also your chance to have a picnic when you didn’t think it possible! You know, with the “awful” weather and all. The only downside to this idea is that you need to have proper hiking gear because of the season. This would include proper hiking boots and rain gear. Otherwise, you’re good to go! Also, one other thing that you absolutely NEED to have with you while on a hike during the cold season is a good attitude. Don’t let wetness of the journey to dampen your mood!

5 – Snowshoeing – Anyone can do it! Even if you’re a frail girl who’s afraid of breaking her thin little bones. Hopefully you live in an area with easy access to slopes and snow. Just take some hot chocolate with you and you’re good to go! (This would also include safety gears and what-not, but of course you knew that)

6 – Visiting haunted houses – This is the perfect month for this activity! I personally am a HUGE fan of being terrified out of my wits! I absolutely love the feeling. For those of you who feel the same way, or just want an excuse to hold on to your special someone, this is a great way to entertain yourself and the other. This is a MUST!!!! It’s October!

7 – Dinner theatre – Dinner and a movie at home? Boooooring! Why not spice it up a bit and make it a dinner theatre night? I bet there are tons of fun places you can go in your area, places just waiting to be discovered.

8 – Dinner and a movie – The next best thing! Many of us even prefer it. Why don’t you stay at home, cook up something nice, or even order in for the night, and enjoy a nice movie in the comforts of either one of your homes. The possibilities and choices of activities are endless! Don’t forget the cuddly blanket and hot chocolate for two – with a hint of baileys?

9 – And last but not least, ice skating – The most fun and appropriate activity of the season! I sincerely hope you have a rink available in your city, because it’s so hard not to enjoy it even if you suck! This is also an absolute must.

And that’s it as far as my list goes, for now. It lacks originality as I’m always sceptical about how far the other person would go, and whether they’d enjoy the same things. With that said however, don’t be afraid to try unusual things! Chances are they’ll appreciate your creativity and freshness, and would love to try it.

Next up: Things to do during the cold seasons, for yourself! I promise originality in this case.

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