Monthly Archives: January 2009

This past year taught me a shit-load of things…


1) Organization leads to many positive things, including sanitization. So keep organized and you’ll be fucking joyous, guaranteed. For most of my life I’ve been a pitifully messy person, mostly due to the fact that I’ve way too much shit lying around. Not just in my room. But everywhere. Not only is this misfortune traumatizing to my mother whom I love more than anything in existence, but it’s also a pain in the neck for myself to deal with… Marry Poppins, where the fuck are you, lady?

2) It took me around 22 years to realize that money IS a source of happiness. Wait, wait, hold on, I didn’t say the only source, but one of! Yes. And perhaps the easiest to acquire, if you get your shit together that is. I’ve been a witness to how destructive lack of money could be in a household, pal, and you have no idea. So, I’m going to apologize in advance if I stop listening or being zealous when you’re telling me a sob story about how your parents are screwing you over with your allowance or bills all of a sudden.  It’s not that I’m jealous (you have problems, I’ve got problems, everyone’s got problems) it just really really really bothers me when people take advantage of these things (your parents love you. It’s unconditional love, and whatever they do to you rest assured it is DEFINITELY for your own good… yes guys and girls, I hate to break it to you, but under normal conditions no one will EVER love you as much as your parents love you. Fact.) Point being: ‘Get rich or die tryin’.’ – 50 cent

3) Do not give away your trust so freely. Bad idea. I am an extremely sensitive person. I could go on and on about this trust issue, heaven only knows the brilliance of my epiphany… but I’ll spare you.

4) Life is scary, big, and astonishing. The biggest surprise of them all. I’m going to miss UBC… and being a student.

New Year’s Resolution:

1. Study more frequently and productively.

2. Be clean and organized. This is VERY important – Use your fucking calendar.

3. Read/write more.

4. Keep up with your extracurricular activities (playing the guitar, exercising, etc)

5. Grab the bull by the horns, or balls. Whichever is more accessible.


Happy New Year. You’re finally all grown up.

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